Multi Sensory Teaching and Learning

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Multi Sensory memory is a very fast process of learning. Because all of the senses are being used in harmony to achieve the learning, the results are better than if only one or two senses at a time are being used.

Children love their fingers, they hold a great fascination with them. As they grow, their developmental skills also grow.

They want to pick something up and put it in their mouth and taste and feel it with their tongue. 

They want to look closely at it and examine it with their fingers and eyes. 

Then they bring it up to their nose and smell it, they soon smile or push it away from their face if it is not to their liking. Some children just can't get enough of a good thing. 

They can hold onto and concentrate on it for a very long time. 

"What's that I hear?"

The fingers have always been essential to learning, why is it then, that when children go to school, these valuable learning tools are all of a sudden forgotten?

Fingerithmatic is the missing puzzle to children's learning. All manner of data can be stored with the help of these amazing little digits.

This child is visualizing his 3 times tables on his fingers, using all of his senses together as he does so. The results are always amazing and always effective.

Your child's successful learning is in your hands.

Missing Puzzle